+ How is this different from in-person physical therapy?

The Pain Free Academy treats the whole person, not just the pain.

Education and retraining mindset and beliefs is crucial and it's something that you don't get with clinic PT.

And I don’t mean that “thinking positive thoughts” will make things better.

What most people know about pain is wrong. By addressing that we overcome some of the biggest hurdles.

We emphasize education so that you truly understand the exercises you're doing and why, how to progress, and how to create your own programs for the long-term.

+ Can you really help me remotely/virtually? I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked.

Yes, absolutely! We've helped hundreds of people on our virtual platform.

Our plans are completely customized to your goals and busy lifestyle, and our video calls, exclusive Facebook group, and mobile exercise app keep us in constant communication. Our clients regularly report back that this is the most in depth care they’ve received.

Einstein said that trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Manual therapy or medication haven’t brought long term relief. Maybe it’s time to try something new!

+ Is there a guarantee?

What we can guarantee is that this is the best program with the fastest results.

But anyone looking for a way out before they even dive in probably isn't a good fit for our program. We want our clients to be FULLY committed to the process. Its is work. But it is worth it.

+ Is there a lot of working out? Do I need to be in good shape already?

There is plenty of exercise but there's no need to be in good shape already.

The program is completely customized to your current mobility level.

+ Do I need any equipment?

Not at all.

We work with whatever you have at home and customize your program to your environment.

Longer-term, you’ll want to have a selection of different weights, resistance bands, and more at home. Then you can take care of your mobility at any time.

We recommend equipment that is right for you and your long-term goals and teach you how and when to use it.

+ I don’t think you can help me without seeing me in person...

Many people think physical therapy means physical touch. They can't see how treatment works without it.

Physical therapists are experts in how the human body moves. PTs know what the best movement should look like for your unique body.

We know which of your body parts need to do the work to achieve that. And we only need to see you move to assess that.

That’s why you don’t need touch for treatment.

Plus, you get more client-PT communication in our program than you could find in any in-person clinic, with video demos for all exercises, weekly check-ins, and weekly group coaching calls to keep progress moving.

And you can contact your PT at any time if you need extra help, support, or advice via our dedicated app.

It's much easier than getting a receptionist to leave a message for your PT and you'll get a much faster response too - it's just like text messaging.

+ I’m in another treatment program right now. I want to give it longer and see if it works.

How long have you been in it for?

2 weeks? Okay. Give it a fair shot.

But 6 weeks, 2 months, 6 months? And still no dramatic improvements?

Why stay in a program that doesn't work? The longer you leave it to 'wait and see' the higher chance you have of your pain becoming worse.

Switch to a program with proven, sustainable results.

+ I’m worried about not having the time to do all the exercises.

There is no guilt tripping when it comes to missing exercises. It happens.

To minimise this, we spend a long time before your program starts finding out in detail about your current commitments and lifestyle.

Then we can plan, together, when and where you'll do your workouts, what equipment you have access to, and how much time and on which days you have available to complete them.

When life throws curveballs or if the schedule changes, we'll modify your program (and teach you how to do it too).

We are here for support!

+ What if I do the exercises wrong and it makes me feel worse?

Society has an unhelpful relationship with pain.

People think (and are often told), “I am in pain so I can’t exercise”. Or, “I can’t do exercise because last time it flared my pain”.

Pain is simply a signal that something needs a course correction. Sometimes that means exercising through some pain because it will actually help reduce it quicker.

With our combined 20 years experience in pain relief and rehabilitation, we will only provide exercises that are safe and achievable for your mobility level so that you can integrate it into your life with confidence.

We know pain can be scary. But we've got your back.

If you notice some pain when exercising, we'll explain what’s going on inside your body, how to modify your movements, and what to look out for to check whether it is improving.

Got even more questions?

Anything we haven’t answered here is probably covered in our Ultimate Guide to Online Physical Therapy.

You can also drop us a message and we’ll get back to you asap.

Or book a free 15-minute Pain Relief Strategy Session to take the next step on your journey to pain-freedom.